Learn to Crochet by Cell Phone!

Learn to Crochet by Cell Phone!

By: Isabella Alves

Are you passionate about crochet and want to learn how to make your own rug, lining, bag or garment and don't know where to start? In that sense, we brought you a list of apps where you can learn to crochet on your cell phone in a super easy and intuitive way.

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He's afraid of not being able to and getting angry, calm down, that doesn't happen here! That way, every app on this list has been analyzed so that you can go through all the levels, starting from beginner to pro!

So let's go! Grab your thread and needle and let's get crocheting!

Love Circle

The first app on this list of how to learn to crochet on your cell phone is Love Círculo. Therefore, it is important that you know that it is one of the most recommended and oldest apps in the crochet industry, however, despite being the oldest, it is always innovating and bringing fresh news to crochet lovers.

The app is very easy to use and has a very intuitive dynamic, being available for both Android and iOS.

Love Círculo has super didactic video classes that will help you learn how to crochet in a simple and quick way, and best of all, in the comfort of your home.

Learn to crochet on your cell phone: Learning Crochet

The second app on the list has more than 14 years of history and is super didactic, intuitive and with super cool teachings. It has completely free content and has modalities, so you can choose from easy to difficult, and it is possible to choose even the children's mode for children (being a great option to develop children's creativity and motor coordination).

In this sense, just download it to your cell phone (available for iOS and Android) and take the opportunity to learn!

Crochet Land

If you want to learn how to crochet on your cell phone, this app is a great choice. This platform was developed by a crochet specialist (Bruna Scople) and in that sense, brings the best in the field of crochet.

A differential of the app (available for Android and iOS alike) is that it allows you to share the tutorials, which can facilitate your learning process.

In addition, Crochet Land also teaches knitting and you can diversify your teachings.

It is worth mentioning that the app has levels of difficulty, ranging from beginner to professional. However, the professional content is very diverse and for this reason the app is very useful even for people who have been crocheting for years.

Learn to crochet, sew and amigurumi

Last but not least, we have this app for you to learn how to crochet on your cell phone. This app is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to crochet and despite teaching how to sew and amigurumi, it doesn't leave anything to be desired in any of the contents, as it is super complete and didactic.

It is also available for Android and iOS and is completely free.

After all, did you like to know more about it? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends and family.

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Immersed in film theories and the latest technological innovations, Isabella is a true geek world aficionado. From comic book heroes to disruptive innovations, she seeks to connect with readers who share her passions.