RG on Cell Phone: Discover How It Works

RG on Cell Phone: Discover How It Works

By: Isabella Alves

Are you one of those people who always forgets to carry the document and hands and ends up going through squeezes? In this sense, we brought you a super novelty that aims to make your life easier: the RG on your cell phone!

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That is, now you can have your RG in the palm of your hand whenever you have your cell phone and the best, it is valid throughout the country and is approved by the federal government. In that sense, don't waste any more time and come learn with us how you can have your RG on your cell phone even today in a super easy and practical way.

What is the Purpose of RG in Cell Phones?

The intention of having the RG on your cell phone is to bring convenience when it comes to documentation. In addition, it aims to make life easier for Brazilians by bringing more practical security when you carry your document.

Likewise, this reduces the chances of losing your original document and makes it easier to always have it with you in just a few clicks.

How it works?

The RG no Celular, or in the same way known as digital RG is valid in all Brazilian states (according to the federal government itself) and can be requested over the internet in a super easy and fast way. However, it is important that you know that this novelty aims to put an end to the physical version RG over time.

With the implementation of this new technology, the federal government wants to help Brazilians to unify their personal documents (junction of CPF and RG) and make it difficult to forge and lose physical documents throughout the national territory.

Despite being “identical” to the physical document, the RG on the cell phone basically works digitally and has a unique registration authentication number. In addition, it has a validation QR Code, which aims to facilitate offline verification. That is, it is not necessary to be connected to the internet to use your digital RG.

In addition, as in the Brazilian states the numbering of the RG is different, the government aims to unify all the numbers, which will consequently make it difficult for diapers and attempts at fraud.

Does the RG By Cell Phone Replace the Physical?

Unfortunately not yet. Despite being a federal government plan, it is still necessary for Brazilians to have a physical ID for some purely bureaucratic issues. Therefore, if you do not have your physical RG or yours has expired, it is necessary to go to the place in your state and city responsible for issuing it and take your CPF, birth or marriage certificate and/or your old RG and proof of residence to normalize your situation.

However, even if you don't replace it, you can have access to both documents, the virtual one and the physical one.

Learn to Download the RG Digital

The RG by cell phone is available for Android and iOS and can be downloaded completely free of charge.

After you download the app, just click on “Add RG” and scan the QR Code of your physical document. Next, you need to do the facial knowledge and create a password. Now just use it!

It is important that you know that the process can change from state to state and unfortunately, for some people the process can be a little different.

After all, did you like to know more about it? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends and family.

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Immersed in film theories and the latest technological innovations, Isabella is a true geek world aficionado. From comic book heroes to disruptive innovations, she seeks to connect with readers who share her passions.