Dental implant can be done for free by SUS!

Dental implant can be done for free by SUS!

By: Isabella Alves

Did you know that it is now your right to have a dental implant completely free of charge through the SUS (Single Health System)! That's right, you can perform this and many other procedures completely free of charge through SUS and change your oral health.

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Learn more about the Brasil Sorridente Program

Although Brazilians are people who are concerned and take good care of their oral health, they are still affected by a series of oral complications that can lead to pain, infections and even loss of teeth.

In this sense, the SUS created the Smiling Brazil program that aims to give to all Brazilians who cannot afford to pay the costs of dental treatment. Through this program you can follow the recommendations of the Associação Brasileira de Odontologia and go to the dentist every 6 months and have the necessary procedures performed without having to pay anything for it.

In this sense, the objective of this government program is that each and every Brazilian citizen has the right to have their oral health preserved and treated in the best possible way and without charging anything extra for it.

See the List of Free Procedures at the SUS Dentist

Do you want to know what procedures you can do at the SUS dentist without paying even a real for it? In that sense we brought a list of items you can do with a specialized dentist. See the list below:

  • appliance installation
  • wisdom tooth extraction
  • dentures on implants
  • endodontics
  • Biopsies
  • tartar removal
  • osseointegrated dental implant
  • orthognathic surgery
  • repairs
  • and many other procedures without having to pay a real for it.

However, it is important that you know that even though it is your right to have all these procedures provided for by law, it is necessary to know if your municipality has a place with adequate infrastructure and a qualified professional to carry out these procedures. In addition, it is the function of the municipal government of your municipality to allocate the funds for such expenses and if it does not have a place and a professional, it must put you on a waiting list to carry out the procedure in a city in the region and provide transportation.

How Do I Know I Have the Right to a Dental Implant?

Each and every Brazilian, whether natural or naturalized, has the right to perform all the dental procedures provided for in the SUS list, however, it is not enough to just want to have a dental implant.

Thus, if you are interested in having a dental implant, you must go to your health center/ESF/PSF and make an appointment with a dentist. Then, you will be evaluated by the dentist and if he approves, you will join the queue to perform the procedure.

To book, you must have your CPF, RG, proof of address and SUS card.

The queue follows the same criteria as any SUS queue and analyzes age, waiting time, urgencies, emergencies and health issues.

Click here to see if your city is on the list to get implanted.

Understand Dental Implants Better

The dental implant is a surgery where the dentist performs a fixed prosthesis in the jaw leaving the smile more natural and with greater comfort for the patient.

After all, would you like to know more about the possibilities of placing dental implants through the SUS? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends and family.

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Immersed in film theories and the latest technological innovations, Isabella is a true geek world aficionado. From comic book heroes to disruptive innovations, she seeks to connect with readers who share her passions.