Free Dental Implant by SUS, See More!

Free Dental Implant by SUS, See More!

By: Isabella Alves

Have you ever thought that you can get the much-dreamed dental implant completely free of charge through the SUS (Single Health System)?! That's right, you can change your smile and also your self-esteem with brand new and super natural teeth.

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Discover the Smiling Brazil Program

The Brazilian people have a good habit of taking care of their teeth since childhood, however a series of oral diseases can lead to the loss of a tooth and even bring serious consequences to a person's life.

In this sense, the recommendation of the Brazilian Society of Dentistry is that all Brazilians visit their dentist at least twice a year. However, not everyone has the financial conditions to pay for dental treatment and with that in mind, Sus created the Brasil Sorridente Program that guarantees the most diverse procedures at the dentist, including now also the dental implant.

Thus, the objective of the program is to ensure good oral health for Brazilians and to avoid problems and pain related to the subject.

Procedures Offered

In addition to all the basic dental items such as cleaning, caries removal, extractions, restorations, among others, the program offers a list of items considered more expensive. Are they:

  • Extraction of wisdom teeth;
  • Endodontics.
  • Appliance installation;
  • Tartar removal;
  • Restorations;
  • Orthognathic surgery;
  • Osseointegrated dental implant;
  • Biopsies;
  • Dental prosthesis on implant and many other procedures.

However, despite being a right offered by the state, it is up to the municipality to separate and manage the funds allocated for this purpose. In this sense, not every city has a place and a specialized professional, and it is necessary to be sent to another city and wait in the queue according to the demand in the region.

How Do I Know If I Have the Right to a Dental Implant?

Sus is a right of every Brazilian, do not inform the color, race, sex, age and social conditions. However, despite being a right, it is not enough to just want to have a dental implant to get it.

In this sense, to request your implant it is necessary to check with your city hall or here on the link, if there is a service unit in your region. After that, just go to a health unit (known as USB or PSF) with your documents (identity, Sus card and proof of residence) and request an evaluation with a dentist.

And then, after this evaluation (if recommended by the dentist) you will enter a queue and wait that works like any other queue in the SUS. Therefore, more urgent cases, priorities, risks and among other things will be analyzed.

How Does Dental Implant Work?

Basically it is a solid base that is implanted in the jaw through surgery and the objective is to replace the teeth that “fall out”. It can be removable or fixed and replaces the old “denture”.

After all, did you like to know more about the possibility of placing a dental implant through the SUS? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends and family.

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Immersed in film theories and the latest technological innovations, Isabella is a true geek world aficionado. From comic book heroes to disruptive innovations, she seeks to connect with readers who share her passions.