The Counter Strike Global Offensive Game - GeekClub - The club every nerd wants to join

The Game Counter Strike Global Offensive

By: Isabella Alves

CS:GO is one of the most popular first-person shooters in the world. Launched in 2012, the game continues to grow in popularity with over 11 million monthly active players. With such a large number of players, it is natural that some curiosities about the game would arise.

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What is Counter Strike Global Offensive?

Counter Strike Global Offensive is a first-person shooter developed by Hidden Path Entertainment and Valve Corporation. It is the fourth version of Counter-Strike, being released for Windows, OS X, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in August 2012, with versions for Linux and Shield Tablet following later. The game is based on the gameplay of other games in the Counter-Strike franchise using the same mechanics.
The main difference of Counter Strike Global Offensive to its previous versions is the inclusion of national weapons, allowing players to choose from an arsenal of weapons from different countries. Furthermore, the game includes new modes such as Arms Race, which aims to kill as many enemies as possible with each weapon before reaching the last one.

The History of Counter Strike Global Offensive

Counter Strike Global Offensive (CS:GO) is a first-person shooter developed by Hidden Path Entertainment and Valve Corporation. Released on August 21, 2012, CS:GO is the fourth version of Counter Strike, a game that started life as a mod for the popular game Half-Life.

Despite its recent release, CS:GO has quickly become one of the most popular games in the world, both among casual and professional gamers alike. In 2015, the sportiness of the game was taken seriously with the holding of the first season of the ESL Major Championship, which had a prize pool of US$ 250 thousand. Over the years, other Majors tournaments have been created by the ELeague and PGL organizations, attracting more and more fans and providing even more prize money for professional players.

In CS:GO, players choose whether to play with terrorists or counter-terrorists and fight in scenarios based on various cities around the world. The objective of the game is simple: eliminate all enemy team members or complete a specific mission, such as planting a bomb or rescuing hostages. The game mechanics are extremely precise, requiring skill and training to excel.

In addition to traditional game modes, CS:GO also offers players the option to play on a competitive server. Here, matches are played on specific maps and with strict rules that must be strictly followed. Players earn points throughout their competitive matches and, depending on their rank, can participate in tournaments in the ESL or other professional leagues.

How to Play Counter Strike Global Offensive

Counter Strike: Global Offensive, also known as CS:GO, is a first-person shooter developed by Valve Corporation. Released in 2012, the game is the fourth entry in the Counter-Strike franchise, and was the first game in the series to be released for Mac OS X.

In Counter Strike: Global Offensive, players team up in teams of two to four and fight against other teams of players in round-based matches. The object of the game is to win as many rounds as possible, which can be done by killing all enemy players, planting and detonating a bomb on the map, or rescuing hostages.

Tips and Tricks for Counter Strike Global Offensive

It doesn't matter if you are a novice or an experienced player, everyone can always improve their skills in Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Here are some tips and tricks to help you master the game.

1. Learn the routes

It's important to familiarize yourself with the routes on the maps so that you know which route to take to reach your final destination. This will give you an advantage over other players who don't know the map well. You can study the routes through tutorial videos or simply playing a lot and paying attention to your movements.

2. Use coverage

Whenever possible, use objects like crates, barrels, and cars to take cover from enemy fire. They can be excellent obstacles between you and enemy fire, allowing you to move in the right direction without getting hit by bullets. Furthermore, staying behind objects will also prevent you from being visible to enemies, giving you an advantage when it comes to attacking.

3. Practice your shots

The more you practice, the better your aim will be. Training will also allow you to learn the bullets available for each weapon and choose the best option for each situation. Also, make sure you are always training on moving targets as this will help you improve your accuracy against real targets.

4. Choose your weapons carefully

Choosing the right weapons for each situation can make a lot of difference in the game. Make sure you know the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon and equipment and use them accordingly. For example, if you are facing an enemy with ranged weapons, choose weapons that can attack you from close range or from afar. If you know that the enemy is weak against automatic weapons, then you can use automatic weapons to defeat him more easily.

5. Play with a friend

Playing with a friend can significantly increase your chance of winning. This is because the two of you will have a chance to plan joint attacks, and you'll also be able to cover each other up during firefights. In addition, playing with a friend will also make it easier to maintain communication, allowing you to coordinate your movements to gain an advantage over the enemy.

Curiosities about Counter Strike Global Offensive

1. Counter Strike Global Offensive was released in 2012.
2. It's a first-person shooter.
3. The game is popular with PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 gamers.
4. The Counter Strike Global Offensive soundtrack is composed by New Zealand DJ/producer Jason Nevins.
5. In 2013, Counter Strike Global Offensive was the best selling game on Steam with 4.2 million copies sold.
6. In 2014, the game earned US $ 11 million in eSports tournament prize pools.

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Immersed in film theories and the latest technological innovations, Isabella is a true geek world aficionado. From comic book heroes to disruptive innovations, she seeks to connect with readers who share her passions.
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