Take the Pregnancy Test + Baby Sexing on your Cell Phone

Take the Pregnancy Test + Baby Sexing on your Cell Phone

By: Isabella Alves

Find out if you are pregnant and the sex of your baby completely online from your cell phone!

Today, technology plays a fundamental role in many aspects of our lives, and the healthcare sector is an example of this. In this regard, a remarkable advance is the ability to use smartphone apps to check the probability of pregnancy. Additionally, this has changed the way people react and look for instant pregnancy information.

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Furthermore, these apps operate by evaluating information provided by users, such as the date of the last menstrual period and other symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle. In other words, using sophisticated algorithms and artificial intelligence, these applications can calculate, with reasonable accuracy, the chance of pregnancy. Additionally, they offer insights into fetal progress, common pregnancy symptoms and advice on prenatal care.

Can You Be Pregnant?

If you've noticed changes in your body or your period is late, you may be wondering about the possibility of being pregnant. Waiting to get a medical exam or buy a pharmacy test can be stressful.

Apps to Check the Probability of You Being Pregnant

Have you ever thought about how technology has evolved? It may sound strange, but there are apps that help you check the probability of pregnancy. Most of these apps are free and compatible with Android or iOS systems. In general, they have questionnaires about associated symptoms. Although they are not as accurate as medical tests, based on your answers, they can suggest the chance that you are pregnant.

Can we trust the results of these applications?

For a long time, there have been doubts about the reliability of these apps in detecting pregnancy. Many people prefer to rely on blood or pharmacy tests. Although these apps are not 100% exact, they do offer a first impression of the possibility of pregnancy.

Some Apps to Check the Probability of Pregnancy

There are different applications available, each with its own characteristics. Some examples are:

  • Virtual Pregnancy Test: This app, through a series of questions and symptom assessment, helps you understand whether or not you may be pregnant. In addition, it provides several useful tips and information.
  • Pregnancy Test – Symptoms: This software presents a questionnaire of around fifteen questions about early pregnancy symptoms. At the end, it indicates a percentage probability of you being pregnant. Click here and be redirected to the website.
  • Pregnancy Scanner: This application works as a fingerprint reader. When you place your finger on the sensor, it analyzes your fingerprint and, after a brief period, indicates a positive or negative result.
  • Pregnancy Checker: It works in a similar way to the previous one, where you can answer questions based on symptoms and, in the end, obtain a probability. Click here and be redirected to the Clearblue website.

Pros and Cons of Pregnancy Apps

These applications have several advantages, such as complete questionnaires, data recording, pregnancy probability estimates, as well as user-friendly interfaces. However, it is essential to remember its limitations, such as the lack of complete accuracy and possibly restricted resources.

Baby Sex Determination

If you've discovered you're pregnant and are curious about your baby's gender, but can't afford specific tests or wait for an ultrasound, there's an option for you: the Chinese gender calculator, available for free on many websites. Click here and be forwarded to one!

However, it is vital to understand that these apps are not a substitute for traditional pregnancy tests, such as urine and blood tests. They are best suited to provide a first insight and help decide next steps.

In short, apps to check pregnancy are useful and practical for women to monitor their reproductive health. They are an informative option about pregnancy, but they should not be the only source of confirmation.

So, what do you think of these technological tools to check your pregnancy or your baby's gender? Let us know in the comments and share with your friends!

Immersed in film theories and the latest technological innovations, Isabella is a true geek world aficionado. From comic book heroes to disruptive innovations, she seeks to connect with readers who share her passions.