Doesn't a Newborn Cry With Tears? - GeekClub - The club every nerd wants to join

Doesn't a Newborn Cry With Tears?

By: Marcus Vinicius

Even if it sounds hard to believe, it's true! Babies are born without functioning tear glands, which means they cannot produce tears. However, that doesn't mean they don't cry - they simply use other methods to express their emotions.

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Why doesn't a newborn cry with tears?

When a baby is born, he still doesn't have the muscles needed to produce tears. This happens because the muscles that control tear production are still developing. Around the sixth week of life, the baby's muscles are already strong enough to cause tears to be produced.
Babies also produce less concentrated tears than adults. This means that babies' tears are more watery and cannot clear the eye as efficiently as adult tears.

How long does it take for a newborn to release tears

Do you know how long it takes a newborn to release tears?

It's not as fast as you think. According to a study carried out by the University of Oxford, the average time it takes a baby to produce tears is six weeks.

This means that, on average, newborns cry with tears only from the sixth week of life. The research was based on a group of babies who were followed from birth to two years of age.

Scientists explain that tears are important to keep your eyes healthy and protected. They also help clean up possible irritations and other substances that can cause damage to the delicate eye surfaces.

Until the sixth week of life, babies produce a substance called milk medium, which is responsible for cleaning and protecting the eyes. From there, tears begin to be produced to complement the action of the milky environment.

What makes a baby cry?

Babies cry because it's the only way they can communicate what they're feeling. When a baby is hungry, sick, tired or upset, he will cry. Crying can also be a sign that the baby is feeling lonely or scared.
Also, crying is a way to release emotions. Babies cry when they are happy, sad, frustrated or angry. Crying can also be a reflection of what is going on around the baby – for example, if he hears other people crying or screaming.

Why is baby crying important?

Crying is the baby's way of communicating, and it's important that parents pay attention to the baby's cries to know what he needs. Sometimes the baby may be hungry, colicky, or just wanting to get the parent's attention. It is important for parents to respond to the baby's cries, as this can help the baby feel safe and loved.

How to help your baby stop crying?

When your baby is born, he may not cry with tears. This is normal and should not be a cause for concern. However, if your baby is not crying, you can help him to do so.

First, make sure your baby is well fed and hydrated. If the baby has no tears, this could be a sign that he needs more breast milk or formula. Also, make sure the environment the baby is in is calm and peaceful. If the baby is crying, try to soothe the baby by gently stroking her tummy or singing a soothing song.

If after trying these things your baby is still not crying, contact your pediatrician.

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