What do gorillas and potatoes have in common? - GeekClub - The club every nerd wants to join

What do gorillas and potatoes have in common?

By: Marcus Vinicius

Like all animals, gorillas and potatoes have a lot in common. Although gorillas are mammals and potatoes are vegetables, both have a particularity in relation to the human organism!

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Have you ever wondered that gorillas and potatoes might have similarities to each other? It seems absurd when one thinks that an animal, mammal and so similar to a human being could have some relationship with a plant that is found underground and consumed by a large part of the world's population.
It seems that everything is related in the world we live in and the gorilla has a great connection with the potato, perhaps because it is always in search of food and has a very large appetite.

Understand human chromosomes

Are human chromosomes the same as those of gorillas and potatoes?
Not exactly. While gorillas and potatoes have 24 pairs of chromosomes, humans have 23 pairs.

Chromosomes are long strands of DNA that are packaged in our cells. They contain all the instructions for our development and operation. Each of our 23 pairs of chromosomes is present in all of our cells, with the exception of gametes (eggs and sperm). Gametes only have one of each pair of chromosomes, which means that a female gamete has 23 chromosomes and a male gamete has 23.

When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the two sets of chromosomes fuse to form a zygote with 46 chromosomes. From this.

When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the two sets of chromosomes fuse to form a single set of 46 chromosomes. This set of chromosomes is what determines a baby's sex and every other aspect of its development.
Chromosomes are classified into two types:

Sex chromosomes: The chromosomes that determine an individual's sex. In humans, there are two sex chromosomes, the X and the Y. If a baby inherits an X chromosome from each parent, the baby will be female. If he inherits a Y chromosome from at least one of his parents, he will be male.
Non-sex chromosomes: the chromosomes that do not determine the sex of an individual. These chromosomes are responsible for all other aspects of body development and functioning, such as eye and skin color, height, and hair texture.
Each person has two chromosomes of each type, one inherited from each relative.
Human chromosomes are classified into two types: sexual and non-sexual. Sex chromosomes determine an individual's sex, while non-sex chromosomes are responsible for all other aspects of body development and functioning.

potato chromosomes

Potato chromosomes are made up of DNA and protein molecules, just like other plant and animal chromosomes. Most potatoes have 12 pairs of chromosomes, but some varieties have as many as 24 pairs.
Potatoes are one of the main sources of energy for humans and other animals. The potato plant is native to South America and was introduced to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century. Potatoes are grown all over the world and are available in many varieties, which differ in tuberose color, shape, size and texture.

Potatoes are a member of the Solanaceae family. They are grown all over the world and consumed by humans and animals. Potatoes are a staple food for many people and are used to make a variety of dishes such as mashed potatoes, chips, dumplings and baked goods.

Potatoes can be round or elongated, yellow, white or purple. Their size varies according to the species, but most cultivated potatoes measure between five and four inches in length. The potato is a tuberous plant and grows underground. Potatoes are rich in starch and vitamins C and B6.

gorilla chromosomes

Gorillas are one of the most fascinating animals in the world and, like humans, they have chromosomes. However, most people don't know that gorillas have more chromosomes than humans.

That's right! Gorillas have 24 pairs of chromosomes, while humans have only 23. This difference occurs because, millions of years ago, a common ancestor of gorillas and humans suffered a duplication in its genome.

Despite this difference in chromosomes, gorillas and humans are extremely similar genetically. In fact, we share over 98% of our DNA with these amazing animals!

The gorilla is an animal belonging to the primate family. It can weigh up to 160 kilos, measure up to 2 meters in height and live for about 35 years. They are herbivores, but also eat insects and larvae. They live in groups of ten to twenty animals divided between adult females with their oldest offspring and single adult males.

Gorillas are diurnal, but they sleep about two hours during the day and don't stray far from where they live. They are good swimmers and climbers and can run fast for short distances.

What do gorillas and potatoes have in common?

Despite being completely different things, potatoes and gorillas have 24 pairs of chromosomes, that is, both have 1 pair more than humans!

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